February 15, 2005
TO: All Interested Litigants
FROM: Jack Nolish, Chief Magistrate
WCA Board of Magistrates
RE: Gaylord and Traverse City Docket Changes
With the addition of Magistrates Thomas Moher and Timothy McAree to the WCA Board of Magistrates, I am making the following docket changes for the Gaylord and Traverse City magistrate dockets.
In addition to the counties already assigned to Gaylord, cases involving the following counties of injury will now be heard at the Gaylord hearing site location: Antrim, Kalkaska, Emmet, and Charlevoix. Claims currently pending at the Traverse City office with these counties of injury will be transferred to the Gaylord docket. Cindy Burns is coordinating the transfer of these files to the new docket. The Gaylord and Traverse City files will remain housed at our Traverse City office.
Magistrate McAree will be handling the Traverse City docket the one week each month occurring when Magistrate Moher is not handling a docket. Magistrate Moher will be handling the Gaylord and UP dockets. A different magistrate will be assigned to handle any case that might present a conflict preventing these magistrates from conducting the hearings. If you are aware of any such cases, please advise as soon as possible.
The following weeks are the Gaylord docket weeks: weeks of March 8th, March 29th, April 12th, April 19th, May 10th, May 24th, June 7th, and June 21st. Docket days of the week will continue to be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
The following weeks are the Traverse City docket weeks: weeks of March 1st, March 22nd, April 5th, May 3rd, May 31st, and July 5th. Docket days of the week will continue to be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
The UP docket weeks have not changed.